a repository of sundry ramblings and images . . .

27 July 2011

Day 14: Harrumph

Day 15:  Harrumph by Annclinations
Day 14: Harrumph, a photo by Annclinations on Flickr.

Today's work was a bit of a bust.  I guess it demonstrates how the school of trial-and-error can often be the school of hard knocks.

I wanted to get started on the ribbons.  Happily, the fabric tears like a dream, eliminating the hassle of cutting the strips.  That said, I'm struggling greatly with my serger.  It seems very fickle, whereas it's likely just the fact I haven't used it in a while and am doing something(s) (consistently) wrong.

I needed to go buy jump rings as I ran out of the wire I was using.  This is a good thing in that the ones I bought are sterling and are stronger than the pure silver ones.  Where to put the charms?  I tried a couple of configurations and don't like either one.

Between the serger and the charm bracelet, I spent a lot of time working and have little to show for it.

"it just goes to show you, it's always something--if it ain't one thing or another."  --Roseanne Roseannadanna

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